제 목 : 문법 마스터 하신 영어 선생님.. 이 문법이 맞을까요?

아래 문장들이 맞은 문장들일까요?

중2, 중3 문법 책 보고 예문 만들어 본건데 맞을까요?



1. 주어가 같은 경우

You should hurry up so that you can take a bus.

= You should hurry up in order that you can take a bus.

= You should hurry up to take a bus.

= You should hurry up in order to take a bus.

= You should hurry up so as to to take a bus.


2. 주어가 다른 경우 

= Jane did her best so that her team could win a game.

= Jane did her beat in order that her team could win a game.

= Jane did her best for her team to win a game.

= Jane did her best for her team in order to win a game

= Jane did her best for her team so as to get win a game


어렵네요.. ㅜ,ㅜ

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