제 목 : 심리학이나 사회학 전공한 분 계실까요?_실험 관련

In studies of human nature, a research question is made of two essential parts: FORCE and BEHAVIOR. The scientist plans to use a certain FORCE and see how it may influence the BEHAVIOR of people.


In the COOKIES EXPERIMENT, the FORCE was the location of the cookies – near or far. The research question was: would the location of the cookies affect people’s BEHAVIOR by changing the number of cookies they ate?


여기 나오는 force랑 behavior는 한국말로 뭘까요?

또 찾아보니까 Force, Behavior 가 아니라

독립 변인, 종속 변인... 이렇게 쓰는 것 같은데...

어떻게 봐야 할지 모르겠네요. 

(실험을 어떻게 하는지 궁금해서 책 보는 중입니다;)


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